Monday, January 30, 2012

And baby makes 3

Dear Baby Wells,

This is your very first blog post!  Your daddy and I are so excited to meet you in May.

I wanted to start a blog for you to look back on when you get older and for us to share news and send updates to our family both near and far.  I promise to keep updating this blog as you grow - it will be fun to look back at in years to come.  I know that family members will love to see you grow as well.

It all started back in September when we found out I was pregnant.  It was such a wonderful wonderful day. I will never forget the moment I found out I was going to be a mom.  I ran out to the store to get a little outfit that said "Baby Makes Three" to give it to your dad after work.  I could barely make it through the day because I was so excited to share the amazing news.  When he found out he was so excited to become a dad! 

A couple of weeks later I was able to go to the doctor to get my very first ultrasound and I got to see you for the first time.  There are not enough words to describe how happy I was.  I was simply overjoyed. 

When you were 12 weeks old, we made the BIG announcement to our family and friends that we were going to become parents.  It was very hard to keep it a secret especially since I did not feel good at all.  I was definitely sick most of the day - every day.  But it will all be worth it in the end.  When our family found out the good news, they were thrilled.

You are going to be such a big blessing in all of our lives!
