Sunday, February 19, 2012

Your Name

It is official - we have decided on your name for sure this past week.  We couldn't be more excited and we know that this name will be perfect for you.  We were throwing around a lot of names, but one just kept coming back and sounded wonderful.

Connor James Wells

We really liked the name Connor (we were also considering Aiden for a long time too, but Connor just seemed so perfect).  We picked James as the middle name since it is a family name.  Your Grandpa Geary's first name is James and your Great Grandpa Geary's first name was James and your Great Grandpa Johnson's middle name is James as well.  So, it seemed very fitting to keep the name James in the family.  We think that your Grandpa Jim is very excited to have James as your middle name (since he had 3 girls of his own and no boys) :)

We cannot wait to meet you Connor James!

Mommy & Daddy

Saturday, February 11, 2012

100 Days to go!

Only 100 more days until your due date (May 21)! 

We cannot wait to meet you!  I'm sure these next 100 days (give or take a couple days) are going to go by really fast.  You are growing like crazy, so keep up the good work.  You are making my back hurt a lot and it is getting harder to sleep at night, but it is going to be worth once you are put into my arms. 

Before we get to meet you in person, we have been busy getting your nursery all ready and we are looking forward to the upcoming baby shower. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Boy or Girl: Only the cupcake will tell

We had our big ultrasound on December 22nd to find out the gender of Baby Wells.  We wanted to find out before Christmas so we could share the big news with our families.  I was anxious to find out if we were going to have a boy or girl - I do not know how people can wait for the big surprise once the baby is born.  I am such a planner and did not think twice about wanting to find out the gender.  Will be be sitting inside at gymnastics meets or outside at baseball games and tennis matches?? 

The big ultrasound also measured the baby and everything was perfect!  The baby was not cooperating for some spine pictures, but we went back a couple of weeks later and got good pictures of the spine.  Everything measured and looked great!  We could not ask for a more perfect child :)

Ever since we found out I was expecting, I was planning on revealing the gender through the help of a cupcake.  I wanted to put either pink or blue frosting in the middle of the cupcake and once everyone took a big bite into the cupcake the gender would be revealed. 

It was a huge success and a ton of fun!  As you can see from the picture below, we are having a baby boy!  We could not be more excited! 

Can May 21st hurry up and come?!?! 

First Picture

Our first picture of Baby Wells!