Monday, April 29, 2013

Standing on my own

Connor is standing on his own.  He will be standing up playing with his toys and then all of a sudden he will let go of what he is holding on to and just stand without any support.  He is starting to take a couple of steps too!  It is so exciting to see him get stronger and stronger each day! 

He LOVES to push his shopping cart around the house - he is not so good at steering, but he has a blast.  He also likes to walk/run around all of the furniture.  He pulls himself up on everything and anything.  He will soon be Mr. Independent. 

Happy Birthday Carson

Happy Happy Happy 1st Birthday Carson!  You are such an amazing little boy.  We had a great time celebrating your big day!!  Your baseball themed party was really cool. 

Celebrating Daddy's Birthday

Connor had a great time celebrating his Daddy's birthday.  We celebrated the weekend before his actual birthday with a pizza party at our house. On his actual birthday we got to celebrate more with cake and presents.  It was a great time! 

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!!

Monday, April 15, 2013


Connor loves to go shopping.  He loves to sit in the shopping cart and look at everything.  He has a huge smile on the whole time!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


We finally had some nice weather last week.  We took Connor to the park and he loved the swing.  I cannot wait to take him there more this summer!

Upadated weekly photos

Week 45

Week 46

Week 47

Things I Love

Connor's crooked smile. He is just way too cute!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter!

Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter!

We got to celebrate all day long.  We started the day off by going to Church, hanging out with the Wells side of the family and then the Geary side.  It was a very fun day. 

Easter Egg Hunt & Coloring Easter Eggs

Our neighborhood had an Easter Egg Hunt the day before Easter.  It was so much fun!  Connor liked to put the eggs in and out of his basket.  It was a bit chilly and really windy so Connor did not like that too much at all.  The Easter Bunny was there too.  Connor was a little skeptical, but we finally were able to get Connor to give the Easter Bunny a high five.  We can't wait for next year when Connor is able to walk around and put all the eggs in his basket. 

After the Easter Egg Hunt, we colored eggs for Easter.  It was a lot of fun.  Connor managed to tip over one of the colors, but all in all we had a lot of fun!  I am happy that this will be one fun tradition we will do each and every year.  

Easter Photo Shoot

Our neighbor took some adorable pictures of Connor in his Easter outfit.  They came out so good!  He looks like such a little man in these photos.  SO CUTE!!