Sunday, August 18, 2013

Petting Zoo

We celebrated Barry's last day of summer break by going to a local petting zoo - Randal Oaks.  He had a great time.  Connor liked to look at all of the animals, but did not like to get too close.  He practiced his animal sounds there and loved to run around.  After we saw all of the animals we went and played at the park there.  It was a great day!!

15 Months

Where has the time gone?  My little monkey is 15 months old already.  He is growing into his own little person more and more each day.  He is talking non-stop, running, climbing and he is just so stinkin adorable!  He is so much fun!  He loves to be outside all the time.  He is getting very good at playing with his toys and he likes to stack his duplo blocks and play with his grill.

We have had a great summer - tons of fun!!