Monday, October 28, 2013

Our little pumpkin in a pumpkin

Last year we got an adorable picture of Connor inside a pumpkin.  We thought it would be funny to try this year (knowing he wouldn't fit, but wanted to see what happened).  Well, see for yourself...haha!!!!

Connor in a pumpkin last year

Connor in the pumpkin this year :(

Pumpkin Carving

We carved our pumpkin this past weekend and Connor didn't really know what to think.  He did not like the inside of the pumpkin much at all and did not really want to touch the "guts" of the pumpkin.  He was very curious on what was going on, but didn't really get into it at all.  I'm sure next year he love carving the pumpkin!

Mr. Independent

We have a little boy who does not want his Mommy's help when he eats anymore.  He wants to do it all by himself.  He is doing a really good job with his utensils, but after each meal he is a complete mess.  He does NOT like it when we try to help him.  He is getting too big too fast!


I just love it when he carries his monkey around.  SO CUTE!!!!

Big Boy!

Connor loves to climb up onto the couch, grab the remote and pretend to watch tv and turn the channels.  He is so cute when he does this!!  He is getting too big.  He thinks that he is really cool when he sits on the couch :)

Halloween Party

Connor LOVED going to his Aunt Susana, Uncle Keven and cousins Harrison and Beckett's house for a super fun Halloween party!  We started off by carving pumpkins (Connor enjoyed the toy room during this part of the party), making our own pizza (which he ate 3/4 of a homemade pizza!), and finished the evening off with a popcorn bar and movie!  He had a blast and so did we and we cannot wait to do it again next year!!  It was so fun to get all of the cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents together!  Thank you Aunt Sue and Uncle Keven for an amazing day!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Baby James

Congratulations to Mike and Ashley on the arrival of their precious little one - James Paul Geary!!!

Connor excited to have another playmate!  Get lots of rest and enjoy every moment with your new bundle of joy. 

Andrea, Barry and Connor

The Mask

Poor Connor has not been feeling well lately.  Earlier this week, he was wheezing a lot and coughing so I brought him into the Doctor and his lungs were full of fluid so we had to do some breathing treatments with him in order to open up his lungs to let enough air in there to help him breathe.  I felt so bad for him.  The breathing treatments helped a ton and he is getting back to his normal self.  He was not a happy camper at all, but was a HUGE trooper doing the breathing treatments (the breathing treatments work just like an inhaler - except he is too little to actually use an inhaler, so they do a mask treatment). 

I hope we are on the mend.  I think we are all ready for this week to be over :)


Sunday, October 13, 2013


Ever since we went apple picking Connor loves to eat apples all the time.  He does not want you to cut them up, he wants to eat them as is.  I cannot get the apple peeled fast enough for him.  He is getting so big!  I remember making apple sauce about this time last year for him and now he is eating apples all on his own!