Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Growing up so fast!

I took these pictures today and as I was taking them I was thinking he is getting so big!  He is no longer a little baby.  Where did the time go?!?!  His smile melts my heart and I love the fact that he lets me take his picture (when he wants to of course).  He was such a good boy today! We have been having some rough days, but today was awesome!!  He is one sweet little boy!! :)

22 Months!

Happy 22 month birthday to my little boy!  You are getting so incredibly smart and growing so much.  You amaze me every day.  You talk so well!  You love to talk and sing all day long. You are great at playing too.  You love your kitchen and pretend play all day long.  You are starting to become a little boy and you are just so darn cute.  You do have a temper though.  Oh boy, do you have a temper!  You test me every single day and it is very hard at times, but we are working through it.  You want to be independent so bad and you think you are so grown up. Slow down little buddy, slow down. You are only little once - let's enjoy it!!! :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Happy Birthday Aunt Michelle

We had a great time celebrating Michelle's birthday!  We celebrated Michelle's birthday at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Connor helping Aunt Michelle open her presents and sing Happy Birthday.  Oh, yeah and he of course enjoyed the cake and ice cream too.   Connor and Carson also love to go over to Grandma and Grandpa's house to watch all of the clocks.  Grandpa takes them around before they go off and the boys get so excited!  We had a fun day and we can't wait to celebrate the next birthday!!

Connor Drive Mommy's Car

Watch out, Connor is in the driver's seat!  He loves to pretend to drive Mommy's car.  He gets so excited when we let him sit in the driver seat and pretend that he is driving.  He is so darn cute, just look at the smile!!  Good thing we have another 15 years before he gets his license! 


Connor has been really into pushing his cars and trains around.  He loves his Thomas train that he got for Christmas.  It is so fun to see him on the floor pushing his trains saying "Choo Choo, Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!"  He is getting so big!!! 

We're Back!

It has been a long time since I wrote a blog post, but to be honest we have not been up to very much at all.  We are still surviving the never ending winter here and hoping for warm weather soon!  It is now April and we want to see nice and warm weather.  We ended March with some snow, so it has to be coming soon right!?!?!

Connor has been helping me work on the day's that I work out of the house.  He is great at typing so he now handles my emails :)  He likes to open the computer and tell us he is "checking his email" and "Connor type".