Thursday, May 29, 2014

Elmo Birthday Party

We celebrated Connor's 2nd birthday with an Elmo/Sesame Street birthday party!  We had a great time!  Connor completely got into his party and was so excited to celebrate.  I loved watching him have such a great time.  I think his favorite part was when all sang Happy Birthday and he was able to blow out the candle.  All day long when you told him it was his birthday, he responded with "I blow out the candle".  He was so so so excited!!

All in all, the day was perfect.  We had all of our family there to celebrate, the weather was amazing, the kids loved the games, food was awesome, and Connor loved every minute of his birthday! We are very blessed to be celebrating his 2nd birthday! 

The day could not have gone any better!!!!

Connor is 2

We had a great day on Connor's actual birthday.  We got up and he opened his presents and he was able to play with his presents all day long.  Riley, Carson and Aunt Diana came over for lunch and for dinner we went out to 2Toots where Connor's dinner came to him on a choo choo train!  He loved it and he even got a cupcake and the restaurant sang him Happy Birthday!  He had a great day and we are looking forward to his Elmo birthday party!

Happy 2nd Birthday

Dear Connor,

Happy Happy Happy 2nd birthday to you!  I have said this many times by now, and I will say it one more time. Where did the time go?  How are you already 2 years old?  You have grown so much in the past year.  You learned how to walk, run, jump, talk, sing songs, count, pretend play, and the list goes on and on.  You have become a very independent, loving, caring, sensitive, curious, playful, amazing little boy.  You make me proud to be your mom every single day.  You challenge me every single day. I definitely fall in love with you more every single day.  You took your first step on your first birthday last year and since then you have taken off!  You want to do everything by yourself and you want to be a big kid so bad. Please trust me that you will get there!  :)  You are incredibly smart and talk non-stop all day long. I can see all the gears going in your brain.  You want to figure out everything and really try to figure out all of your toys. You amaze me every day! I love when you sing songs, count, have cookie parties, cook in your kitchen, play with your cars and trains and really let your imagination take over.

I remember the day we brought you home and I could not in my wildest dreams imagine 2 years going by so fast!  Yes, some of the days seemed to drag on, but the months/years are flying by!  I have enjoyed all of the different stages that you  have gone through for different reasons - some more than others. 

You definitely know what you want and you let us know.  You are a very strong-willed little boy.  Please take your time being little!  The time is going by so fast, but no matter what you will always be my little baby! 

You are a picky eater.  Some of your favorite foods to eat are fruit, pizza, pancakes, waffles, ice cream, chicken nuggets.  You could eat fruit all day long! 

At your 2 year old doctor's appointment you FINALLY liked the doctor! This was the first time you did not cry at the doctor's.  Way to go!  They have confirmed that you are indeed a little peanut.  You were 22 pounds and 33 inches (5th percentile for weight and 9th for height).  

I love you more than words can say.  Happy birthday to my favorite little buddy!

I love you to the moon and back.

24 Month pictures

Here they are!  I cannot believe that Connor is 2 years old!  Where did the time go?!?!?!

One of Connor's favorite things

Eating ice cream with Grandpa!  Carson enjoys ice cream too!


Monster Party

Happy 4th Birthday, Harrison!  We had a great time at your Monsters, Inc. birthday party!  You are getting so big!