Saturday, May 19, 2012

Birth Day

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A date that has change our lives forever.  It was by far one of the best days of our lives.  Our son Connor James Wells was born. 

I was supposed to be induced at 7:30am on May 16th.  Knowing this, we were prepared to go to the hospital the night before. Mr. Connor had little different plan for us.  Around 2:30am on Wednesday (May 16th), I woke up not feeling so great and in some pain and thought this could be "it", but was not sure.  I decided to take a shower about a half hour later since I was going to have to get up anyways pretty soon to be induced.  After the shower my pain was getting worse and the contractions really started to come more often - then my water broke a little while later.  Barry was also getting ready for the day when I called to doctor to let her know what was going on and was told that we needed to go to the hospital as soon as we could.  So, we pack up the car and off we go to the hospital around 4:30am.  We get to the hospital and get checked in, got some pain medicine and shortly after I got an epidural (one of my best friends that day). 

After waiting a couple of hours, it was go time.  40 minutes later our son was born and he was perfect.

His stats:
Name: Connor James Wells
Time: 1:54pm
Weight: 5 lbs 13 oz
Height: 19.6"

We could not be more in love with our little peanut.  He is an absolute joy and such a blessing in our lives. After 9 months, I could not believe that he was here.  Our hospital stay was good and he has been a really great baby.  We had lots of wonderful visits from family and friends.  We are so lucky to have such amazing people in our lives.  Connor was excited to meet all of them.  Thank you for all who visits and if you have not met him yet, we cannot wait for you to meet him.

Enjoy the  pictures of his first days.

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