Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy 1st Halloween

Connor had a great first Halloween.  I was able to work at home today and spend the entire day with him.  Connor's cousins Riley and Carson came over to trick or treat and to take some pictures.  I have got to say that I have never seen more adorable giraffe's or Rupunzel ever!  After their visit, we met up with some of the other neighbor kids for a quick picture then went trick or treating at a few houses.  Connor helped pass out candy too.  He was such a good boy! 

Posing with the pumpkins

The two cutest little giraffes


Connor trick or treating!
Happy 1st Halloween Connor!!  We had so much fun! 

My pumpkin in a pumpkin

We were getting ready to carve our pumpkin and decided to have a quick photo shoot with Connor inside the pumpkin.  Let's just say he did not like being inside the pumpkin.  This picture is adorable and is now one of my favorites.  Who else can say that they put their kid in a pumpkin?!?! 
Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Some more pics

Just because I'm picture crazy - ENJOY :)
Carson and Connor wrestling


He loves his new hat - getting set for winter

New outfit - so cute!!!

Love those big eyes and little grin


I love to hear Barry reading to Connor.  It is such a special time for the two of them. What a great Daddy.  Connor and I are so lucky to have him in our life.

All the way from Paris

Connor got to meet his Mommy's cousin Kelly and her fiance DA this past weekend.  They live in Paris and came to Chicago for a wedding and we were so lucky to get to spend some time with them on Sunday evening.  Connor was so excited to finally be able to meet Kelly and DA. What a special time we had. 

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to see us, Kelly and DA!  We had a great time. I hope your flight back home was a good one and we cannot wait to see you again. 

Connor and Kelly

The picture of Connor, Kelly & DA did not turn out well (Connor crying), so here is Carson, Kelly and DA :)

Boo at the Zoo

Our little cutie pie is going to be a Giraffe for Halloween.  This past weekend he was able to wear his Halloween costume to Boo at the Zoo.  He loved looking at the animals and he was adorable in his costume.  We went with his cousins, Riley and Carson.  The highlight of the trip - the parade!  Connor was in his first parade :)


22 Weeks

He was hamming it up for the camera for his 22 week pictures.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

5 Months Old

Our little guy is 5 Months old!  He is getting so big and it an absolute joy to us.  Some of his milestones that he reached by his 5 month birthday is eating rice cereal, rolling over, supporting his neck and playing with his toys - grabbing them and putting them in his mouth.  He loves to talk a lot and he is on a great schedule.  He is sleeping well at night (normally getting up 1 time).  He is such a happy boy!  He also loves loves loves to jump.  He is one active little guy.  He is constantly moving.

Happy 5 Month Birthday, Buddy!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jumping Jumping Jumping

One of Connor's new favorite things to do it play in his exersaucer.  He loves to jump and when he jumps the music on the toys attached start to play - he gets so very excited.   It is absolutely adorable to watch. 

I remember the first time I put him in the exersaucer and his feet could not touch the ground and had to rest on a pillow and we had him so bundled.  He has come a long way in such a short amount of time. 

Go Connor Go!!!!

Rice Cereal Video

He LOVED the rice cereal!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rice Cereal

Connor had rice cereal for the first time tonight.  It was his first takes of real food besides formula and he did great!  He loved it.  He got the hang of it towards the end and when he saw the spoon he opened his mouth for more.  It was so fun to watch him tonight.  He is just a joy!!!

Before picture - he's ready

Smiling after the first bite

I think he likes it!

More, please.

After picture - one happy little boy :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

20 Weeks!

Being an angel and smiling

He thought he was so funny when he knocked over the blocks!

Photo shoot


I attempted to do a photo shoot just the other day and Mr. Connor was not interested at all.  After getting everything set up he was more interested in his feet and pulling on all of the sheets and blankets and was doing a great job of not looking at the camera.  Of course once I put everything away he was talking, laughing and smiling non-stop!
I did manage to get some good ones of him before work one day "sitting" on the couch.  We've been practicing sitting and he is getting pretty strong.  I'm sure in a couple of weeks he will be able to sit by himself for a very short amount of time!  It is crazy how fast he is growing and how strong he is getting.  
Enjoy these pictures until we are able to have another photo shoot :)
Connor eating his toes instead of posing for the photo shoot.

Not interested in smiling

Pulling on the sheets and avoiding the camera

Happy happy boy - finally a good smile!!

Love those big eyes!!