Monday, October 8, 2012

Photo shoot


I attempted to do a photo shoot just the other day and Mr. Connor was not interested at all.  After getting everything set up he was more interested in his feet and pulling on all of the sheets and blankets and was doing a great job of not looking at the camera.  Of course once I put everything away he was talking, laughing and smiling non-stop!
I did manage to get some good ones of him before work one day "sitting" on the couch.  We've been practicing sitting and he is getting pretty strong.  I'm sure in a couple of weeks he will be able to sit by himself for a very short amount of time!  It is crazy how fast he is growing and how strong he is getting.  
Enjoy these pictures until we are able to have another photo shoot :)
Connor eating his toes instead of posing for the photo shoot.

Not interested in smiling

Pulling on the sheets and avoiding the camera

Happy happy boy - finally a good smile!!

Love those big eyes!!

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