Monday, March 18, 2013

10 Months

Connor turned 10 months this past weekend.  He is getting so big and is definitely on the go all the time.  He likes to keep us busy.  I cannot believe that we will be celebrating his first birthday in just 2 short months.  It is amazing how much this little guy has learned over the last few months.  He is walking all over the house with his shopping cart and toy activity walker.  He loves to push his toys around the floor - especially his train and his cars.  He gets very upset when they tip over.  He is an expert and scooting on his car and also his police rocker!  He loves his toy barn that he got for Christmas - it has a lot of activities on it that he loves - standing up and playing, pushing all sorts of buttons, etc.  He loves it.  He is also trying to stack the blocks too.  He is eating more and more real food too.  He eats breakfast, lunch and dinner with bottles in between (4-5 bottles a day; 5 ounces each bottle).  He is a little stinker and likes to throw his food on the floor at our house only.  He is an expert eater at his Aunt Diana's house.  Connor is still always smiling and talking a lot now too.  He LOVES to dance to the music and is still sleeping really well at night.  He is an absolute joy!  We love him so much and we are excited to see what the next month will bring!  Every day is a new adventure with him.

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