Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Half Birthday!

Happy Half Birthday Connor!!  You are 18 months old and becoming such a little man.  Your are definitely independent and want to do everything on your own or with help.  You do not like for us to do things for you.  You are a very sweet, kind, caring, funny, smart...oh my gosh are you smart, stubborn, and adorable little boy.  You fill my heart with love and I cannot thank you enough for being in our lives.  You bring us so much joy and laughter.  You also test us every. single. day.  You definitely push me to the limits and test me in ways I never thought possible.  You test my patients daily, but cannot stay mad at you for long.  You are just way too cute!  You want to be a big boy so bad, but you are still so little.  Stay little - time is going by so fast.

To celebrate your half birthday, we had cupcakes and sang to you.  We had a great day!  You enjoyed your cupcake very much!! 

You are talking up a storm.  You repeat everything, you are starting to put more and more words together and you surprise us every day with a new word and we do know where you have learned the word.  You are a sponge - absorbing everything around you.  You love to sing (ABC's, row row row your boat, ring around the rosie are your favorite) and we love to hear you sing. 

You do not walk anymore, you run!  You are a bundle of energy when you want to be.  Other times you are very shy. 

You still give the absolute best hugs, kisses and cuddles.  Your smile and laugh is contagious and I cannot get enough of it.

You like to throw temper tantrums A LOT now a days and they are really wearing on me.  I do not know what sets you off or gets you so upset, but it is heartbreaking to watch and listen too.  We are trying to work through them, but please just know that we love you to pieces and want to do everything we can for you.  I know you get frustrated, but when you are having a temper tantrum, I want to join along!  They are THAT bad!!  

I cannot believe how grown up you have become in such a short amount of time.  I am so excited to go into this Holiday season with you!  We put up some Christmas decorations the other day and your response was "WOW! Pretty, Mum Mum Pretty!!".  It was absolutely adorable and I cannot wait to get the tree all set up!  You are going to love it!

Happy half birthday, Buddy!  I love you to pieces!!

Mum Mum

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