Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas Eve Eve

As I write my final blog post for the night, I want to end with wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas Eve Eve!  I cannot wait for the Christmas festivities to start!!  We have a lot of fun, exciting and memory filled days ahead of us.  Definitely counting our blessings this year!!

Decorating Gingerbread Houses

Bethany and Kaylee came over to decorate gingerbread houses this year!  We had a great time decorating and hanging out.  The girls loved all the different candy and really got into it.  Their houses came out so good.  Connor enjoyed some time with Aunt Aimee!!  I can't wait to do it again next year!!

Keeping busy inside

No words to describe these pics except for "cute" and "what a goofball".  We have to entertain ourselves somehow this winter!  haha. 


BRRRR!  It is so cold outside and we just got a lot of snow.  Barry has been doing all of the shoveling and Connor loves to watch him out the window.  Connor decided he was going to help shovel too so we got him all ready to go outside and tackle the snow.  He did not want to do anything but shovel.  No sledding or playing in the snow.  He just wanted to go shovel with Daddy.  So cute!

Oh Connor!

We tell Connor daily that life is not that bad :)  Poor guy is very sensitive and he has some really rough days and we see a lot of this:

The terrible 2's are right around the corner!  Wish us luck!!!

Some cute Christmas Photos

My friend and I were getting ready and planning out our first photography assignment - winter mini sessions.  So, while we were setting up, I had to snap a few adorable pictures of Connor!!  It is starting to look a lot like Christmas!  I cannot wait to celebrate Christmas with this cutie this year.  He will be able to open his presents and he is now gets so excited over the little things, so I think that he will LOVE to see what is under all the wrapping paper.  He doesn't understand Christmas or presents, but he will love to get lots of new toys!  I know he is going to be SO excited.  I cannot wait to see his face light up on Christmas morning!!

Our little model!! Can he be any cuter?!?!?!?!??!

Grandpa's Train

Grandpa set up his train from when he was a little boy and Connor loves it!  He is really good at making the train go really fast and stop.  It is so awesome to see Grandpa and Connor together!!

Breakfast With Santa

We know that Connor was not a big fan of seeing Santa downtown, but we thought maybe he would be okay meeting him during a breakfast with Santa and he could go up to him when he was ready....well, not so much!  The breakfast was very good and Connor loved it.  After we were done eating breakfast, we decided to walk around and see Santa.  Well, Connor did not want anything to do with Santa at all.  We got a really cute picture of him last year, but not this year.  So, we decided to do a family picture...

Christmas Lights Downtown

We took a trip to Chicago to go see all of the Christmas lights with Diana, Riley, Carson and Grandma.  We had a great time!  It was so neat to see Michigan Avenue decorated in lights.  We made our way to the Macy's store downtown to look at all of the window displays and lights too.  This was our first time doing this and I really hope we make it a tradition.  It was so fun!!

We had a surprise visit to go see Santa too.  Connor was not too fond of Santa at all!!  Poor guy.