Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Polar Vortex

Polar Vortex. Enough said.

Trying to entertain ourselves!

No picture. No picture.

I hear this pretty much every time I take out my camera to snap some pictures of Connor.  "No picture. No picture."  Then it is followed up by this face and a ton of tears (oh, and a high pitched scream)  Oh Connor, life is not that bad! :)

20 Months

How is my little baby 20 months already?!?!  He is certainly growing up fast.  He loves to talk ALL day long, sing, repeat everything, throw temper tantrums then charm you will his hugs and the "I Love You's". 

I guess it is almost time to start party planning for his - dare I say it - 2nd birthday!!!

New Toy Room

After Christmas we had to organize all of Connor's toys.  So, we decided to make our office his new toy room.  We went shopping for new shelving and organized all of his toys.  He loves it and I do too!  We are going to spend hours and hours in here!  :)

Happy 5th Birthday, Riley

Wishing Riley a very happy 5th Birthday!  I cannot believe you are 5!  You have become such a beautiful, smart, funny, caring little girl. 


I am trying to thaw out from all the cold weather we have been having to sit down and write the next blog entry.  I am sorry to report that we have not done much the past few weeks, but try to survive the brutal cold and snowy days.  We have spend days on end inside the house without leaving and it is starting to make us all stir crazy.  I sure hope that it warms up soon.  I know that Chicago has it better than some other places, but oh my goodness, please get warmer.  The negative temperatures need to end!!

Anywho, I have not even taken many pictures lately because all I hear is "No Pictures. No Pictures." every time I take out the camera.  This is sometimes followed by a temper tantrum (welcome Terrible Two's).  So, I have not taken many pictures. 

I hope you are all staying warm and surviving the cold temps.

Monday, January 6, 2014


One of Connor's favorite things to do is read.  He has always loved books.  He loves for us to read to him and now he likes to read to us or by himself.  He often tells us that he wants to sit in his chair and read books. He is still very picky and knows exactly what books he wants to read.

I caught him in his chair reading one of his new favorite books - If You Give a Dog a Donut.  This picture melts my heart.


Oh my goodness, it was -15 degrees outside today.  That was the actual temperature!  With the windchill it was -35 or -40!  That is COLD!  I often find myself wondering why we live in IL with weather like this.  Many places shut down today - schools, businesses, roads, you name it!  It is crazy to think that just 6 months ago it was over 100 degrees and we were complaining how hot it was. 

It is pretty sad to get excited for the end of the week when the temperatures will be out of the negative numbers! 

I hope everyone is staying warm!!  What a way to ring in the new year.

Happy New Year!

Happy 2014!!  2013 was an awesome year! Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and memorable 2014!!

Merry Christmas!

Santa came, Santa came, Santa came!!!  It is Christmas Day and what a great day it was!  We had a wonderful morning together as a family opening presents and having Connor play with his new kitchen that Santa brought him.  After we opened presents at home we went over to celebrate Christmas on the Geary side.  My parents hosted a great day!  Connor was spoiled just like he was on Christmas Eve.  We enjoyed everyone who came to celebrate. Connor and Carson loved pushing around their new vacuums!  Lots of food, laughter and memories.

Thanks for a great Christmas!!!!