Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I am trying to thaw out from all the cold weather we have been having to sit down and write the next blog entry.  I am sorry to report that we have not done much the past few weeks, but try to survive the brutal cold and snowy days.  We have spend days on end inside the house without leaving and it is starting to make us all stir crazy.  I sure hope that it warms up soon.  I know that Chicago has it better than some other places, but oh my goodness, please get warmer.  The negative temperatures need to end!!

Anywho, I have not even taken many pictures lately because all I hear is "No Pictures. No Pictures." every time I take out the camera.  This is sometimes followed by a temper tantrum (welcome Terrible Two's).  So, I have not taken many pictures. 

I hope you are all staying warm and surviving the cold temps.

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