Saturday, July 19, 2014


How cute is he?!?!?

Visiting Aunt Michelle

We spent the afternoon downtown visiting Aunt Michelle - hanging curtains, playing at her place, dinner, frozen yogurt and Molly's cupcakes!

Boots in the summer

Why not?  The weather has been a little crazy lately and Connor thought it would be a good idea to wear his boots outside while he played.  I think it is a good look!

My little buddy

Lazy Mornings

He loves his taggie and monkey in the mornings.  He is so cute when he just relaxes on the couch under the blanket.  So sweet!!

Beach Day

We took Connor to his first beach the other day and he had a great time.  It was really cute to watch him touch the sand on his feet for the first time.  He didn't know what to think at first, but then he loved it.  He had a great time walking into the water and playing in the sand.  I think that we will be taking him back there soon!!

4th of July

We had an AMAZING 4th of July weekend!  Thank you to Keith and Judy for hosting!  We will cherish the memories that were made this weekend.  Connor had a blast and was so upset leaving. We all had such a great time being together, eating delicious food, swimming, going to a baseball game, fireworks, going to the children's museum, playing baseball in the field, tractor rides, playing with all the toys and the list goes on and on.  We will miss going to Moline for the 4th of July, but we know that new memories will be made. 

Thank you again for an amazing weekend!  We cannot wait to see your new home in Florida!!