Saturday, July 19, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend in Indy

A huge huge huge thank you to Uncle Jack and Aunt Sandy for hosting an awesome weekend!  We had a ton of fun!  It was so great to see everyone for the whole weekend.  You guys put a ton of work into the weekend and it didn't go unnoticed!  The food and drinks were amazing, the treat bags were so sweet of you guys, letting us stay at your house was awesome.  We loved the way your back yard turned out.  It is the perfect space for entertaining and being together. 

Because the weekend was so much fun, it is hard to summarize it all in one blog post, but here are some of the hightlights:

- The food, drinks and great conversations with friends and family
- The kids playing in the pool (like we used to in your old Carol Stream house)
- The AWESOME rock band (the kids playing all the intruments)
- Our park adventure - Connor got to drive the tractor!
- Connor took a bath at Aunt Sandy's (yes, he STILL talks about this)
- Sitting on the patio and chatting and laughing with family
- Family pictures in the back yard

Thank you again for such a fun weekend!  We cannot wait to visit you guys again in July!!

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