Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Fall Family Pictures

Our first outdoor pictures as a family of 4!  I think they turned out great!

Connor - 3.5 years old
Aiden - 8 weeks

I love taking fall pictures outside - the colors are amazing! :)

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from our pirate and pea pod!

It was raining all day on Halloween.  Connor was so excited to go trick or treating the rain did not stop him at all.  He went around to about 15 houses then called it a day.  He had a great time!!

We met up with all of the neighbor kids for the annual group picture.  It is so fun to see more little ones added to the picture each year!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Pumpkin Carving

We had a really fun night carving a pumpkin!  Connor was really into it this year.  He wanted to carve the pumpkin all by himself.  Daddy was able to help him out though.  Connor picked the shapes he wanted for the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.  He liked digging in the pumpkin and getting the inside cleaned out.  It was so fun to watch him this year.  After the pumpkin was carved he was so proud.  We put the pumpkin outside and he had the biggest smile on when we lit the pumpkin :)

I cannot wait to take him trick or treating!

First Cold

Well, it's official.  Aiden has his first cold.  I knew it was only a matter of time.  We have all been sick ever since he was born.  His cold started last night and the poor little guy is so stuffed up and sneezing up a storm.  He did however sleep THROUGH THE NIGHT!!  I fed him around 9:00pm and he slept until 5:00am!  Way to go little buddy!!  I kept checking on him starting around 2:00am when he normally wakes up to eat.  He was stuffed up but sleeping just fine so I let him sleep.

Aiden is being such a trooper today.  I know he doesn't feel well at all and he has been so good.  Not too fussy at all.  He just wants to be held and I don't blame him.  I'm enjoying my cuddles :)

I hope that the cold will not last too long and he is back to feeling well soon!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Aiden is getting so big

I cannot believe that my little peanut is almost 7 weeks old.  Time is flying by and we are loving every minute.  Connor is a wonderful big brother and loves Aiden so much.

It seems like Aiden has been with us forever.  It is hard to imagine what it was like without him.

I also cannot get over how much Aiden looks like Connor.  When I compare their pictures at this age it is crazy to see how much they really do look like each other!

Another pumpkin farm

One day after soccer we decided to stop by Randy's Pumpkin Farm. This one had rides that Connor loved and a little pumpkin area.  It was very windy that day, but we still had a great time!

September/October pictures

Just because we love to take pictures, here are some random pictures from September and October this year.  Boy are these 2 boys adorable!

Norton's Farm

Another fun morning at Norton's Pumpkin Farm by our house.  This little pumpkin farm is perfect for little ones.  It has a really neat tractor and train to climb on, hay bails to climb on, a big sand area, pumpkins, a little corn stock maze, etc.  Connor had a great time with Carson at the farm.  He cannot wait to go back!