Friday, October 30, 2015

First Cold

Well, it's official.  Aiden has his first cold.  I knew it was only a matter of time.  We have all been sick ever since he was born.  His cold started last night and the poor little guy is so stuffed up and sneezing up a storm.  He did however sleep THROUGH THE NIGHT!!  I fed him around 9:00pm and he slept until 5:00am!  Way to go little buddy!!  I kept checking on him starting around 2:00am when he normally wakes up to eat.  He was stuffed up but sleeping just fine so I let him sleep.

Aiden is being such a trooper today.  I know he doesn't feel well at all and he has been so good.  Not too fussy at all.  He just wants to be held and I don't blame him.  I'm enjoying my cuddles :)

I hope that the cold will not last too long and he is back to feeling well soon!

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