Wednesday, March 21, 2012

2 more months to go!

We are almost there...only 2 more months to go!  I am getting very excited to meet the little man!  I am beginning to wonder what he is going to look like more and more each day.  Will he have any hair - if so, what color?  Who will be look like more - Barry or myself or a good combination of both?  I cannot wait for his arrival.

We had our hospital tour this week and it is becoming more and more real.  These two months are going to go by fast. Or at least I am hoping that they go by fast!  The baby has not been in a good position causing significant sciatic nerve pain - making it hard for me to get around easily.  I am going to start some physical therapy to help with the pain next week.  Connor, if you would like to make your Mommy happy, please please please change positions or do not sit directly on my nerve.  It hurts really bad and I want to be able to walk normal and go up stairs and get into cars, bend down and pick up things without it hurting.  Thank you!!

The baby has been having quite a few dance parties in my belly lately.  He is one active little man!

Connor, keep growing (I know you are growing a lot since my belly is getting HUGE) and getting stronger so I can meet you soon!

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