Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Andrea's Bday and Connor's 6 week picture

We celebrated Andrea's 30th birthday this past Friday with Pizza and Ice Cream cake.  It was a really fun day.  Andrea got to test our her new camera that she got.  She took some great pictures that day!  This coming weekend we are going to have a big BBQ to celebrate with all family and friends.  It is going to be a lot of fun.  The weather is supposed to be really hot, but hopefully it will not be too bad.

Connor is 6 weeks old today.  For some reason this week he really look like he has grown up a lot.  He is starting to smile a little bit and "talk" (coo) more.  He recognizes our voices and smiles when we go to pick him up or talk to him.  It melts our heart to see him smile.  He is so stinkin cute!  We cannot get enough of him.  He is such a joy to have!

Enjoy the pictures from Andrea's birthday and Connor's 6 week birthday!

Oh no, my Mom is turning 30!

The Boys

Thursday, June 21, 2012

5 Weeks

This post is 1 day late.  Connor was 5 weeks old yesterday.  The pictures below were taken yesterday when he turned 5 weeks old - I just did not get around to uploading the pictures and writing a quick blog entry yesterday.  Connor was very very fussy yesterday, but is a very happy boy today.

He is starting to smile a little bit more, but is still very serious.

Connor is getting ready to help celebrate his Mom's big birthday! 

Monday, June 18, 2012

1 Month Doctor's Appointment

Connor had his 1 month doctor's appointment today. He did great!  He only cried when he had to go on the scale.  I kindly told him that we all do not like the scale, but it will be quick and painless. :)

Connor's 1 month stats:
Weight: 8.3 lbs
Height: 21 inches

He is in the 25th percentile for his height and the 10th percentile for his weight.  He is perfectly healthy and is getting stronger every day. 

We will go back to the doctor in 1 month for another check up and his first round of shots.  I thought that he had to get shots at this appointment, but I was wrong (yay!).  I was preparing Connor and myself for the shots this time, but it will have to wait until next time.  I believe that he will be getting a total of 3 shots next visit - poor guy! 

Tennis Star

We might have a future tennis star on our hands! 

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all of the amazing Dad's!  We had a great day celebrating Father's Day.  Connor was so excited to give his dad his present and spend the day at the Kane County Cougars baseball game. 

The day started out with breakfast from McDonald's, followed by Connor giving his dad gifts and then getting ready for Connor's first baseball game.  Connor was able to wear his new baseball outfit that his Aunt got him and he looked adorable.  Connor did great during the game.  It was really hot outside, but we were able to be in the shade and there was a nice breeze that came through.  After the game, we did a little shopping.  Overall, it was a wonderful day! 

Happy Father's Day!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

1 Month

I cannot believe that my little guy is 1 month old today! Time sure is flying fast.  He is getting so big - I cannot believe how much he has changed since we brought him home from the hospital.  He is getting stronger every day.  Connor, we ask only one thing from you now that you are 1 month old - please start sleeping better at night. Your Mommy and Daddy are very tired and would like some more sleep.  Having you up every 2.5-3 hours is not our cup of tea.

Happy 1 Month Birthday Connor James! We love you very very much.  We are so excited to watch you grow every day.  Please just do not do it too fast! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

4 Weeks!

Connor James is 4 weeks old today!  He is getting so big so fast. He will be going to the doctor next week for his 1 month check up and shots (I don't know who will be more upset about the shots - Connor or myself!) In the meantime we weighed him at home and he is already 8 pounds!

Connor is starting to smile a little bit, but most of the time he has his serious face on.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Best Buddies!

Meeting a new family member

Connor met another new family member this past weekend.  We had a wonderful visit with Uncle Chuck.  Connor was so excited to meet him.  Uncle Chuck had the magic touch - Connor loved being held and slept great in his arms.  Connor is very excited to meet Aunt Mary Jo too!We cannot wait until the end of the month when you guys make the trip from Minnesota to Illinois.    Only a couple more weeks to go!Thanks for a wonderful visit!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

3 Weeks!

I am 3 Weeks old today!

To celebrate, I went on 2 walks and we are going out for ice cream.  It has been a great day!

Here are some pictures from the last week.  I certainly have been having a lot of fun. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hanging with the Boys

Connor hanging out with his cousins Harrison and Beckett.  We all had a great time and cannot wait to visit them again.  The boys had a great time playing together!