Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Andrea's Bday and Connor's 6 week picture

We celebrated Andrea's 30th birthday this past Friday with Pizza and Ice Cream cake.  It was a really fun day.  Andrea got to test our her new camera that she got.  She took some great pictures that day!  This coming weekend we are going to have a big BBQ to celebrate with all family and friends.  It is going to be a lot of fun.  The weather is supposed to be really hot, but hopefully it will not be too bad.

Connor is 6 weeks old today.  For some reason this week he really look like he has grown up a lot.  He is starting to smile a little bit and "talk" (coo) more.  He recognizes our voices and smiles when we go to pick him up or talk to him.  It melts our heart to see him smile.  He is so stinkin cute!  We cannot get enough of him.  He is such a joy to have!

Enjoy the pictures from Andrea's birthday and Connor's 6 week birthday!

Oh no, my Mom is turning 30!

The Boys

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