Monday, June 18, 2012

1 Month Doctor's Appointment

Connor had his 1 month doctor's appointment today. He did great!  He only cried when he had to go on the scale.  I kindly told him that we all do not like the scale, but it will be quick and painless. :)

Connor's 1 month stats:
Weight: 8.3 lbs
Height: 21 inches

He is in the 25th percentile for his height and the 10th percentile for his weight.  He is perfectly healthy and is getting stronger every day. 

We will go back to the doctor in 1 month for another check up and his first round of shots.  I thought that he had to get shots at this appointment, but I was wrong (yay!).  I was preparing Connor and myself for the shots this time, but it will have to wait until next time.  I believe that he will be getting a total of 3 shots next visit - poor guy! 

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