Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Video - finally!

I think that I FINALLY learned how to post a video.  I've been trying for weeks now and this blog will not let me upload a video.  I put them on You Tube and then had to upload to here.  There has got to be an easier way.

Sorry for the long delay.  As promised here are 2 video's of Connor.  There will be many many more to come.

Connor is getting so big.  These videos will show you how much he is cooing (and fussing) and moving around.  He is such a joy to have.  We cannot get enough of this kid.  He brightens our day so much.  He is getting bigger and bigger every day - slow down Connor, I want you to stay like this for a long time. 

Connor is 10 weeks old today and his new thing is to follow me wherever I am.  If I enter the room, leave the room, talk ,etc.  When I go over to him he lights up with a huge smile.  It just absolutely melts my heart.  He is now starting to cry a little when I leave the room or him  and that breaks my heart.  He is very alert and really likes to know what is going on all of the time.  So much that he does not nap very well during the day because he is probably too worried about what he is going to miss if he sleeps. 

I apologize as this video is kind of long - I do not know how to edit them yet.

Connor's 10 Week pictures below

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Well rested

I do not want to jinx anything, but Connor slept through the night again last night!!  WOO HOOOO!!  HE slept from 10:00pm until 5:45am - I'll take it!  Way to go Connor!  In case you cannot tell with all of the exclamation points, I am very excited about this.

Now that I have said this publicly, he will be up 3 times tonight.  Lets hope not.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

2 Months Old

I cannot believe our little guy is 2 months old already.  Time is flying by and he is getting bigger and stronger every day.  Connor had his 2 month doctor's appointment yesterday and he did really well.  I was dreading the day for a long time because he had to get 3 shots.  Poor kid!  He was very smiley and was talking to the nurses and doctor while he was there up until it was time for shots.  He screamed and screamed, but was able to calm down pretty quickly after I was able to pick him up. 

His 2 month stats are:
Height: 22 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 10.9 pounds (15th percentile)
Head: 15 inches

After the doctors office Connor took a pretty good nap then woke up and was crying A LOT.  He did not stop and did not want to be put down at all.  So, I gave him some baby Tylenol to make him feel better and he was finally able to calm down.  I'm sure his little legs were sore. He did not sleep that well at night - waking up a lot and was upset when he woke up.  But, hopefully he will be feeling better today and will be back to his normal happy self soon.

Other Connor news:

1.  He slept through the night (9pm - 4:45am) 2 times now!  WOO HOOO!!!  I woke up in the middle of the night in a panic because he did not wake up earlier to eat.  I had to go check on him, but he was sound asleep in his crib.  I hope that he is able to keep this up or at least keep the night time feedings to just 1 time in the middle of the night instead of 2. 

2.  Connor rolled over from stomach to back.  I am not sure if he meant to do it, but it doesn't matter - he did it! Barry and I both saw it too.  He did it 3 times that day and has not done is since.  When he is on his back he likes to roll to his side and try to get all the way to his stomach, but he can't quite figure it out yet. 

3.  He is talking up a storm these days!  I was able to get if on video and it is super cute - I will have to do a separate post to show you his adorable smile and conversation we had.

That's about all for now.  I'll be posting the video soon (once I get it figured out). 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Busy week

Connor has had one really busy week!  He spend July 4th weekend in the Quad cities visiting Grandma and Grandpa Wells.  He had a great time there and was such a good baby.  It was his first trip away from home.  He did great in the car and he is excited to go back again. 

This past Monday, Connor went to his first amusement park - Santa's Village with his cousins Riley and Carson.  Connor was very alert and liked to watch his big cousin Riley go on all of the rides.  When he got home that evening he slept for 7 hours in a row!  He was exhausted.

Today Connor is 8 weeks old - we cannot believe how fast he is growing.  He is sleeping pretty well at night (about 5 hours at a time - sometimes more, sometimes a little less). He is smiling and cooing a lot more too.  It is so fun to watch him grow from week to week. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Our little firecracker

Happy 4th of July! 

Connor was 7 weeks old on the 4th of July.  He's getting so big!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Birthday BBQ

We just finished celebrating Andrea's 30th birthday with a big BBQ in the back yard.  Lots of friends and family came out to celebrate.  It was a great time.  The house was all decorated and there was plenty of food and drinks to go around.  What a way to celebrate turning the big 3-0! 

Thank you to all who came out to celebrate. This birthday will not be forgotten!

Aunt Mary Jo meeting Connor for the first time!

Lots of yummy desserts

The patio was all set for the big party!  A huge tent, lots of coolers with drinks and lawn games.  Let the party begin!

Connor resting up for the big party

Happy little family!


Jackie "holding" Connor for the first time


Mommy & Connor