Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Video - finally!

I think that I FINALLY learned how to post a video.  I've been trying for weeks now and this blog will not let me upload a video.  I put them on You Tube and then had to upload to here.  There has got to be an easier way.

Sorry for the long delay.  As promised here are 2 video's of Connor.  There will be many many more to come.

Connor is getting so big.  These videos will show you how much he is cooing (and fussing) and moving around.  He is such a joy to have.  We cannot get enough of this kid.  He brightens our day so much.  He is getting bigger and bigger every day - slow down Connor, I want you to stay like this for a long time. 

Connor is 10 weeks old today and his new thing is to follow me wherever I am.  If I enter the room, leave the room, talk ,etc.  When I go over to him he lights up with a huge smile.  It just absolutely melts my heart.  He is now starting to cry a little when I leave the room or him  and that breaks my heart.  He is very alert and really likes to know what is going on all of the time.  So much that he does not nap very well during the day because he is probably too worried about what he is going to miss if he sleeps. 

I apologize as this video is kind of long - I do not know how to edit them yet.

Connor's 10 Week pictures below

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