Wednesday, August 22, 2012

3 Months

I cannot believe that my little man is 3 months old already!  Not only is he 3 months old, but he is exactly 14 week today.  Time is flying by!  We are still adjusting to being back at work - I'm sure it will take some time, but I am so glad that I am able to work at home on Wednesdays.  It breaks up the week and I get to be with Connor for the entire day.  I just love it. 

Connor is now smiling most of the time when you talk to him.  He gets very excited and will talk a lot.  It is absolutely adorable to see this.  He is still very serious though too.  He has a zillion different faces he makes.  He cracks me up all the time. 

He is getting so so so close to rolling over. I have a feeling it is going to be any week (or day) now.  Connor is getting the hang of sleeping through the night.  There have been a lot of nights he sleeps all the way through until around 6:15am.  Way to go little man!  He does however still get up around 3:00am or 4:00am to eat a little bit once in awhile.  He's getting there though! 

Connor discovered his hands and he is constantly eating them.  He still likes his pacifier and his left thumb too.  Connor loves to grab anything that he can. He LOVES his moose that Aunt Gloria got him and his taggie. 

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