Monday, November 26, 2012

The Wells Family Christmas Tree

The Saturday after Thanksgiving we set out to cut down the Wells Family Christmas Tree.  We went to Richardson's Christmas Tree Farm.  As a tradition, we went with the Niemaszyk/Paris family and had a great time.  We took a tractor ride out to the trees and found the perfect one.  Barry cut it down and we hauled it back to the tractor and got it all ready to tie to the roof of the car.  To warm up, we had some hot chocolate and cinnamon donuts.

Connor enjoyed the trip very much and was a good boy.  He was all smiles!  I think that this is going to be a great family tradition!!  Can he get any cuter in that hat?!?!!?


We are so very thankful to have Connor in our life.  He is our greatest blessing and we cannot imaging life without him.  We definitely had a lot to be thankful for this past year - Connor, our health, our jobs, a house to stay warm in, food to eat, wonderful family and friends.  The list goes on and on.  It is a great time of year to step back and see that life is good, people are good and to really see what matters most - family.  Without all of our family we would not be the people we are today. We are so very thankful for all of your support and love that we have gotten. 

Connor enjoyed his first Thanksgiving.  He was a very good boy.  Mike and Ashley hosted Thanksgiving and it was wonderful.  The food the company - everything was perfect.  Thank you so much for having us! 

One of the highlights of the evening was the train ride we all got to take.  Gotta love how the 3 year old at Thanksgiving has everyone wrapped around her finger :)

The train ride to Chattanooga

Sunday, November 18, 2012

6 month photo shoot

Connor's 6 month photo shoot was a success!  I have to take pictures in different groups now since he can only handle about 15 minutes of pictures at a time.  Here are some of the pictures.

Friday, November 16, 2012

A little comparison

Just a comparison shot of Connor on his 1 week birthday and Connor on his 6 month birthday!


Happy Half Birthday!!

Connor is 6 months old today!  Where did the time go?  I remember bringing him home like it was yesterday.  From the day be brought him home until today - his 6 month birthday, I am in shock of how much he has grown, how strong he has gotten and how much I am in love with that little man of mine.  He is "talking" a lot, laughing a lot, sitting, rolling over, eating real food (fruits and veggies), playing with toys and one of my favorites, sleeping through the night!  It is so crazy to think that he has accomplished all of this in just 6 short months.  I know he is going to be coming up to a lot of other milestones, but man, time sure needs to sloooow down.  At the same time, it is an absolute JOY to see him turn into his own little person.  He has got one great personality and an amazingly adorable smile that melts my heart every day. 

To make sure I do not miss a thing or at least try to remember everything, I am let's just say a little (or a lot) picture obsessed!  I probably take some pictures every day of Connor and when I say some, I probably mean at least 30 (some days when we go out to do something like the Zoo or apple picking we are talking around 300 pics)!  I was taking a look at his pictures today of when we was first born and he was so so so tiny.  He is such a big boy now and oh so much fun to be around. I can come home and he with one look can turn my day around.  His hugs, kisses and smile make my day and it does not get better than that. 

Anyways, enough rambling by me....what people really look froward to are his pictures.  Here are some of the 6 month pictures I snapped real quick today.  I want to have a "photoshoot" (me trying to take cool looking pictures) of him this weekend for his 6 month birthday.  Stay tuned for those :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Connor started eating some real food these past couple of weeks.  We are slowly introducing him to different fruits and vegetables.  So far we have tried butternut squash, apples and sweet potatoes.  And so far he is not a fan of them at all. I was able to capture some video and pictures.  I have to mix the food with some formula and rice cereal or else he wont eat it.  I'm sure as we give him more over time he will start to like it.  Poor kid! 

Butternut squash

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes

Some Weekly Photos

I have not posted his weekly photos in a little while.  Enjoy!

He is going to be 6 months this week - time is FLYING!  We had a great weekend.  We stayed in most of the weekend which was great.  Connor is getting over a cold, so the time home was good for him.  He was rolling all over this weekend and is getting good at sitting now too. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I'm sure I've mentioned before that Connor LOVES to jump. Well, since he loves to jump so much we borrowed a jumperoo from the neighbor.  He loves loves loves this thing!  We are happy too because it gives our arms a break.  I mean, the kid wants to jump all the time!  I will have to post a video of him in the jumperoo.  He just goes nuts.  Best toy ever!  We just sit and laugh at him jumping in this thing.  It is pretty entertaining!  Video to come!

Chocolate Tour

This past weekend we went downtown Chicago for a Chocolate Tour on the Magnificent Mile/Gold Coast area.  It was delicious! We had quite the group that went - myself, my parents, sisters, Jackie and all of the kids.  We all had a great time.  Jackie, you will be glad to know that I took a total of 112 pictures throughout the tour.  I did get the BEST picture of all time and it is below! :)

During the tour we were able to sample chocolates from 5 different places.  We started at teuscher and sampled a champagne truffle (Super good) then moved into "more" cupcake and sampled a chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting (DELICIOUS!!). After the cupcake indulgence we made our way to Hendrickx Belgian Bread Crafter and sampled some type of chocolate bread, homemade waffle and some homemade french bread (AMAZING!!).  The fourth stop was in water tower place called Candyality.  You get to find out your Candy Personality there.  We sampled the biggest piece of whopper candy I've ever seen.  I was not a fan of the sample we got, but the store was awesome.  I do have to mention that they had some celebrity truffles and it is so sad to say, but the store had spelled Barack Obama's name incorrectly (they forgot the "c" in Barack)....then our last stop of the tour was at argo tea cafe.  We sampled a chocolate tea and a chocolate croissant thingy.  I wasn't sure I was going to like the chocolate tea, but I was WRONG!  It was really good.

So, all in all, the tour was really fun. The weather cooperated and wasn't too bad.  We did make one final stop before heading home and that was back to the more cupcake place.  We got 6 more cupcakes and split them up to sample them.  I HIGHLY recommend this place.  Jackie, I'm sure sure how you do it - living so close that place.  I would be there every day!

Enjoy the pics from the tour. 

p.s. Connor was such a cutie and a great boy throughout the whole tour! 

This was the BEST  picture - Jackie holding Connor!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Connor is sitting so well these days!  He is getting so strong.  It wont be long until he is able to sit on his own for a long period of time. 

He does really well for a minute or so then leans forward and cannot figure out how to lean back to sit up again.  He is getting there though. It is so exciting to see him grow and get so strong!!