Friday, November 16, 2012

Happy Half Birthday!!

Connor is 6 months old today!  Where did the time go?  I remember bringing him home like it was yesterday.  From the day be brought him home until today - his 6 month birthday, I am in shock of how much he has grown, how strong he has gotten and how much I am in love with that little man of mine.  He is "talking" a lot, laughing a lot, sitting, rolling over, eating real food (fruits and veggies), playing with toys and one of my favorites, sleeping through the night!  It is so crazy to think that he has accomplished all of this in just 6 short months.  I know he is going to be coming up to a lot of other milestones, but man, time sure needs to sloooow down.  At the same time, it is an absolute JOY to see him turn into his own little person.  He has got one great personality and an amazingly adorable smile that melts my heart every day. 

To make sure I do not miss a thing or at least try to remember everything, I am let's just say a little (or a lot) picture obsessed!  I probably take some pictures every day of Connor and when I say some, I probably mean at least 30 (some days when we go out to do something like the Zoo or apple picking we are talking around 300 pics)!  I was taking a look at his pictures today of when we was first born and he was so so so tiny.  He is such a big boy now and oh so much fun to be around. I can come home and he with one look can turn my day around.  His hugs, kisses and smile make my day and it does not get better than that. 

Anyways, enough rambling by me....what people really look froward to are his pictures.  Here are some of the 6 month pictures I snapped real quick today.  I want to have a "photoshoot" (me trying to take cool looking pictures) of him this weekend for his 6 month birthday.  Stay tuned for those :)

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