Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Chocolate Tour

This past weekend we went downtown Chicago for a Chocolate Tour on the Magnificent Mile/Gold Coast area.  It was delicious! We had quite the group that went - myself, my parents, sisters, Jackie and all of the kids.  We all had a great time.  Jackie, you will be glad to know that I took a total of 112 pictures throughout the tour.  I did get the BEST picture of all time and it is below! :)

During the tour we were able to sample chocolates from 5 different places.  We started at teuscher and sampled a champagne truffle (Super good) then moved into "more" cupcake and sampled a chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting (DELICIOUS!!). After the cupcake indulgence we made our way to Hendrickx Belgian Bread Crafter and sampled some type of chocolate bread, homemade waffle and some homemade french bread (AMAZING!!).  The fourth stop was in water tower place called Candyality.  You get to find out your Candy Personality there.  We sampled the biggest piece of whopper candy I've ever seen.  I was not a fan of the sample we got, but the store was awesome.  I do have to mention that they had some celebrity truffles and it is so sad to say, but the store had spelled Barack Obama's name incorrectly (they forgot the "c" in Barack)....then our last stop of the tour was at argo tea cafe.  We sampled a chocolate tea and a chocolate croissant thingy.  I wasn't sure I was going to like the chocolate tea, but I was WRONG!  It was really good.

So, all in all, the tour was really fun. The weather cooperated and wasn't too bad.  We did make one final stop before heading home and that was back to the more cupcake place.  We got 6 more cupcakes and split them up to sample them.  I HIGHLY recommend this place.  Jackie, I'm sure sure how you do it - living so close that place.  I would be there every day!

Enjoy the pics from the tour. 

p.s. Connor was such a cutie and a great boy throughout the whole tour! 

This was the BEST  picture - Jackie holding Connor!!!

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