Thursday, January 31, 2013

Playing with toys

Connor loves to play with all of his toys that he got for Christmas.  His cousin Carson also likes to come and play with his toys too.  Are they not the two cutest little boys?!?!

Stories with Daddy

One of Connor's favorite activities is to read books.  He LOVES having us read to him.  He is getting good at turning the pages and on the books with the flaps, he likes to pull the flap down and see what is behind it.  It is very fun and cute to watch. As a special treat, we show him some stories on the tablet too.  He really likes those.  Daddy spoils him more than I do and it is a special time they have together. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Riley!

Happy Happy Happy 4th Birthday, Riley!  I cannot believe that you are already 4 years old (on Thursday)  WOW!  We had so much fun celebrating your Pinkalicious birthday. 

8 Months

Connor turned 8 months old on January 16th.  I cannot believe that he is already 8 months - time is going by so fast!  He is an absolute joy and an extremely happy and smiley little boy.  He definitely knows what he wants and will let us know.  He is still a GREAT sleeper - sleeping from about 7:30pm - 7:00am.  He also got his two bottom teeth! He started to crawl and loves to stand up along the furniture and play with his toys.  It is amazing how much he has learned in such a short amount of time and how strong he is.  As he is playing with his toys or crawling to get something you can see all of the wheels turning in his head and connecting the dots.  He is great at figuring things out and is into all of the details with everything.  He still loves his schedule - sleeping and eating.  Keep him on his schedule and he is happy.  He also LOVES to give his Mommy kisses and hugs.  He is "talking" more and more and just cracks us up each day. 


We now have a crawler on our hands. Connor is on the move! It is so fun to watch him explore on his own. He is so curious and wants to know what is going on all the time. With his new found talent, he is able to be in the know now! He is just awesome! Way to go Connor!!!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Swim Lessons

Connor started swim lessons this past Saturday.  I am not sure if he was 100% sold on them.  He did not cry, but he also did not really smile or seem to enjoy it that much.  I'm sure after the first couple of classes he will learn to like it a little bit better.  Connor is taking swim lessons with his cousin, Carson.  Carson LOVED the class.  It is a fun class - we get to sing songs, splash in the water and meet new people.  Let's hope Connor enjoys it a little more next week. 

Here are some pictures of his very first swim class!  He looked adorable in his swim suit!!

Celebrating Grandpa's Birthday

Happy Birthday Grandpa!  We had a great time celebrating!!!  Wishing you a year of happiness!


First Tooth

Connor got his first tooth on January 11th (last Friday)!!!  We are so so so excited!  We thought that it was about to pop up at anytime and before we knew it - it was here.  He only had 1 tooth right now - (his bottom tooth) but I think that he will be getting another one.  It is so tiny that it is hard to see.  Once it comes in more I'll have to post a picture!

Connor is growing so much!  It is so fun to watch!!

We're back!

It is finally fixed - I can upload pictures again!  YAHOOOOOOOO! 

Thanks for your patients!  Time to start blogging! 

7 Months

Connor is already 7 months old!  I cannot believe it.  He is sitting so well now and he loves playing with his toys.  He is laughing a lot and is still always smiling.  He is such a joy!  He received a lot of fun toys for Christmas and has had a great time playing with all of them and exploring so many new things.  He just started getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth too.  I think that crawling is in his new future! Connor is still eating well - trying all sorts of fruits and veggies. 

He also just got over his first really bad cold.  He had a tonsil infection and was just really not feeling well for a little while.  I am glad that he is on the mend and doing much better - a sick baby is not fun at all.

Here are some 7 month pictures :)  ENJOY!

The Three Little Vikings

How adorable are they?!?!?!

Grandpa bought them all Vikings jerseys.  They look so cute!  This was a really fun photo shoot!  Good thing the Vikings had a decent season this year :)

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!  2012 was an AMAZING year.  We are looking forward to 2013.  We know that it is going to be a wonderful year!!  Wishing you a happy, healthy year with memories to last a lifetime!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Technical Difficulties


Happy New Year!  I'm having some technical difficulties with the blog.  It is not allowing me to upload the pictures!!!  I will be posting as soon as I can upload pictures :)

In the meantime - wanted to wish you a very happy NEW YEAR!  We are all doing well!!

Andrea, Barry and Connor