Monday, January 14, 2013

7 Months

Connor is already 7 months old!  I cannot believe it.  He is sitting so well now and he loves playing with his toys.  He is laughing a lot and is still always smiling.  He is such a joy!  He received a lot of fun toys for Christmas and has had a great time playing with all of them and exploring so many new things.  He just started getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth too.  I think that crawling is in his new future! Connor is still eating well - trying all sorts of fruits and veggies. 

He also just got over his first really bad cold.  He had a tonsil infection and was just really not feeling well for a little while.  I am glad that he is on the mend and doing much better - a sick baby is not fun at all.

Here are some 7 month pictures :)  ENJOY!

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