Tuesday, January 22, 2013

8 Months

Connor turned 8 months old on January 16th.  I cannot believe that he is already 8 months - time is going by so fast!  He is an absolute joy and an extremely happy and smiley little boy.  He definitely knows what he wants and will let us know.  He is still a GREAT sleeper - sleeping from about 7:30pm - 7:00am.  He also got his two bottom teeth! He started to crawl and loves to stand up along the furniture and play with his toys.  It is amazing how much he has learned in such a short amount of time and how strong he is.  As he is playing with his toys or crawling to get something you can see all of the wheels turning in his head and connecting the dots.  He is great at figuring things out and is into all of the details with everything.  He still loves his schedule - sleeping and eating.  Keep him on his schedule and he is happy.  He also LOVES to give his Mommy kisses and hugs.  He is "talking" more and more and just cracks us up each day. 

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