Wednesday, February 20, 2013

40 Weeks

Connor's 40 Week photos - SO CUTE!!

The last one made me crack up - Rock on, everyone, Rock on!

Cousin Love


We had a great time hanging out with all of the boys!  Thanks for having us over Keven and Sue!  

9 Months Old

We cannot believe that Connor is already 9 months old!  I have not gotten around to taking his 9 month pictures yet....but I promise I will and post once they are complete.  We did go to the doctor for Connor's 9 month check up.  Here are his latest stats:

Weight: 17 lbs 13 ounces (a little less than 25th percentile)
Height: 28 1/4" (a little less than 75th percentile)

He did NOT like the doctor visit at all.  He was very tired and that did not help.  He clung to me and did not want the Doctor to get near him.  At least he didn't have to get shots this time around.  He is one healthy little boy.

Connor has mastered crawling, is talking more, eating more finger foods - pasta, cheese, pancakes, waffles, fruits and veggies.  Since he is feeding himself at some meals we have a lot more clean up to do!  He makes sure that he gets food everywhere!  It is very cute.  Connor also pulls himself up on everything he can and is starting to take some steps with his walking toy he got for Christmas.  Connor also loves books.  He loves to have us read to him all the time and he will also look at books himself.  Connor is very picky about his books these days.  If you are in the middle of reading a book (or sometimes after 1 page) he will close the book and want a different one.  He will not be satisfied until you get a different book to start reading.  He is into the pop up books and the books with flaps to pull down.  It is very funny to watch him do this.  He always knows what he wants!

Here are some picture that I took earlier this week :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Another Great Week

Connor had another great week hanging out with Aunt Mary Jo!  She came in from Minnesota to watch him this week while Diana was in California.  Connor had a great time and Mary Jo taught him some new tricks.  Connor is now crawling a lot faster, loves to knock over the towers we build, crawl through his barn and scoot on his car.  They also read a lot of book and practiced his walking.  He certainly had a busy week!  A huge huge huge thank you goes out to Mary Jo for taking such wonderful care of our little guy.  Connor is going to miss her a lot.  We cannot wait to see you next month.

Thanks again for such a wonderful week :)

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day!


Thursday, February 7, 2013

38 Weeks Old

Our little cutie is 38 weeks old and look at him showing off for the camera this week!!

He LOVES to crawl everywhere and pulls himself up on everything.  He is on the go and there is no stopping him now!  Go Connor Go!!

First time in the snow

And it didn't go so well!  It started off okay, then about 1 minute into it, he was not a happy camper.  It took more time to get him ready to go out into the snow than we were actually outside IN the snow.  He's adorable even when he is upset!

How do you like the purple sled?!?!  Thanks Riley for letting us borrow it!  We will try to do more pictures this weekend :)  I'm hoping for a smile or two from Connor in the snow.

A Very Special Week

Connor was able to stay home this week and share it with Aunt Sandy! Aunt Diana was on vacation in California so Aunt Sandy drove all the way from Indiana to watch Connor during the day.  He is one special little boy!  A HUGE THANK YOU to Aunt Sandy for doing this.  Knowing Connor was in great hands all day long made it easy for me to be at work.  They read stories, played with all sorts of toys, sang songs, and just had a great time together.  Connor was a good boy (that is what I was told anyways....) :) 

Aunt Sandy got to see how we take the weekly pictures too - and he smiled for most of his pictures this week!  He loved her animal noises and songs that she sang! It was so special to see them together!!

We are getting ready for Aunt Mary Jo to come in town this weekend to watch Connor next week.  We honestly have THE BEST family in the world in order to stop their daily life and come out to help us out and watch Connor.  We are extremely blessed and cannot THANK YOU enough.

We will see you soon, Aunt Sandy and thanks a bunch!!!!!!