Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Very Special Week

Connor was able to stay home this week and share it with Aunt Sandy! Aunt Diana was on vacation in California so Aunt Sandy drove all the way from Indiana to watch Connor during the day.  He is one special little boy!  A HUGE THANK YOU to Aunt Sandy for doing this.  Knowing Connor was in great hands all day long made it easy for me to be at work.  They read stories, played with all sorts of toys, sang songs, and just had a great time together.  Connor was a good boy (that is what I was told anyways....) :) 

Aunt Sandy got to see how we take the weekly pictures too - and he smiled for most of his pictures this week!  He loved her animal noises and songs that she sang! It was so special to see them together!!

We are getting ready for Aunt Mary Jo to come in town this weekend to watch Connor next week.  We honestly have THE BEST family in the world in order to stop their daily life and come out to help us out and watch Connor.  We are extremely blessed and cannot THANK YOU enough.

We will see you soon, Aunt Sandy and thanks a bunch!!!!!!

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