Wednesday, February 20, 2013

9 Months Old

We cannot believe that Connor is already 9 months old!  I have not gotten around to taking his 9 month pictures yet....but I promise I will and post once they are complete.  We did go to the doctor for Connor's 9 month check up.  Here are his latest stats:

Weight: 17 lbs 13 ounces (a little less than 25th percentile)
Height: 28 1/4" (a little less than 75th percentile)

He did NOT like the doctor visit at all.  He was very tired and that did not help.  He clung to me and did not want the Doctor to get near him.  At least he didn't have to get shots this time around.  He is one healthy little boy.

Connor has mastered crawling, is talking more, eating more finger foods - pasta, cheese, pancakes, waffles, fruits and veggies.  Since he is feeding himself at some meals we have a lot more clean up to do!  He makes sure that he gets food everywhere!  It is very cute.  Connor also pulls himself up on everything he can and is starting to take some steps with his walking toy he got for Christmas.  Connor also loves books.  He loves to have us read to him all the time and he will also look at books himself.  Connor is very picky about his books these days.  If you are in the middle of reading a book (or sometimes after 1 page) he will close the book and want a different one.  He will not be satisfied until you get a different book to start reading.  He is into the pop up books and the books with flaps to pull down.  It is very funny to watch him do this.  He always knows what he wants!

Here are some picture that I took earlier this week :)

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