Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Connor LOVES to talk all day long.  He is starting to repeat what we say.  Just one syllable words mostly.  He will say Balloon "Boon", Bottle "Ba", Mamma, Dadda, Water "wa wa", etc.  He is so smart!  I'm sure most kids do this at this age, but man o man, we are so proud of him and just wanted to share how special he is to us!  Walking, talking - what's next?!?!  This little guy is unstoppable!!!

1 Year Stats

Connor had his 1 year old doctor's appointment last week.  He liked to show the Doctor how well he walks and talks.  He did not like to get weighed or have the doctor look in his ears or listen to his heart.  He screamed when they measured him too.  The doctor did get a good look at this throat from all of the screaming he was doing. My heart broke seeing how upset he was at the Doctor.  He definitely does not like new situation or people and it was so sad to see him so upset.  He managed to perk up a little bit by the end of the appointment - just in time for the shots.  Poor little guy got so worked up again. 

The doctor and nurse let us know that he is perfectly healthy, growing and gaining weight well. He is also hitting all of his milestones that he should be.

1 Year Stats:
Weight: 19 lbs (about the 30% percentile)
Height:  29 1/2" (about the 50th percentile)

We could not ask for a more perfect little boy.  Happy 1 year Connor James!!!


We can say that we officially have a walker now!  Connor has been walking for 1 week now.  He started taking a couple of steps on his own on his birthday and by the time the weekend came he walked all the way across the room.  He is so proud of himself when he walks he has a HUGE smile on his face.  It is absolutely adorable to watch him.  He loves his new freedom and he is now into everything.  There is no stopping him!  He still crawls over to the couch or a chair to help him stand up, but once he stands up he is on the go!  He is working on standing up on his own without the help of the furniture of someone to lift him up. 

It has been so awesome to see him explore on his own. He is learning what he can and cannot do.  He definitely does not like the word "no" and will test us a lot.  He is one curious little boy. 

Connor is getting really good at the stairs too. He is great at going up the stairs and we are working on going down the stairs.  Time is just going by way too fast!

Sunday, May 19, 2013


We had a great time celebrating Connor's 1st Birthday!  He is blessed with such wonderful family and friends.  Connor had a great day loved his smash cake!  He also received a lot of really neat presents!  He really did not like opening them though - he was very tired and had a lot of birthday.  He is certainly one lucky little boy. What a year - Happy 1st Birthday, Connor!!  I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us!!

1st Birthday!

Dear Connor,

YOU ARE ONE!!!  How did the time go by so fast?  I remember the very first time you were placed in my arms and we became a family of three and now we are here, 1 year later celebrating your first birthday.  You have learned so so so much during your first year.  You have grown so so so much your first year and I have fallen so so so in love with you!  I honestly cannot imagine my life without you.  You are the most amazing little boy and I am so lucky to be your Mommy.  You can change my day around with one smile, one look, one hug and one kiss. You makes me smile and laugh every single day and you also challenges me in ways I never saw coming.

You are the most adorable, funny, stubborn, caring, lovable little boy.  You have come a long way in just one year. You reached many milestones and I could not be more proud of the little boy you have become.  I was there to capture all your milestones.  The pictures and videos are priceless.  Connor, you cooed, rolled over, smiled, laughed, slept through the night, sat on your own, crawled, ate "real" food, walked, you mimics sounds, says mamma and dadda, bubbles, balloon, bottle, you play with his toys, gives high fives, wave bye-bye, give kisses and I'm sure there are many more milestones that you have had.  I am so proud of you.  You amaze me every day.  I know that this is just the beginning and I am looking forward to a lifetime of happiness with you. 

Happy Birthday to my favorite little guy.  I love you to the moon and back.


Friday, May 10, 2013

First Haircut

Connor had his first haircut today.  He did great!!

He is ready for his big party now!!!