Tuesday, May 28, 2013

1 Year Stats

Connor had his 1 year old doctor's appointment last week.  He liked to show the Doctor how well he walks and talks.  He did not like to get weighed or have the doctor look in his ears or listen to his heart.  He screamed when they measured him too.  The doctor did get a good look at this throat from all of the screaming he was doing. My heart broke seeing how upset he was at the Doctor.  He definitely does not like new situation or people and it was so sad to see him so upset.  He managed to perk up a little bit by the end of the appointment - just in time for the shots.  Poor little guy got so worked up again. 

The doctor and nurse let us know that he is perfectly healthy, growing and gaining weight well. He is also hitting all of his milestones that he should be.

1 Year Stats:
Weight: 19 lbs (about the 30% percentile)
Height:  29 1/2" (about the 50th percentile)

We could not ask for a more perfect little boy.  Happy 1 year Connor James!!!

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