Tuesday, May 28, 2013


We can say that we officially have a walker now!  Connor has been walking for 1 week now.  He started taking a couple of steps on his own on his birthday and by the time the weekend came he walked all the way across the room.  He is so proud of himself when he walks he has a HUGE smile on his face.  It is absolutely adorable to watch him.  He loves his new freedom and he is now into everything.  There is no stopping him!  He still crawls over to the couch or a chair to help him stand up, but once he stands up he is on the go!  He is working on standing up on his own without the help of the furniture of someone to lift him up. 

It has been so awesome to see him explore on his own. He is learning what he can and cannot do.  He definitely does not like the word "no" and will test us a lot.  He is one curious little boy. 

Connor is getting really good at the stairs too. He is great at going up the stairs and we are working on going down the stairs.  Time is just going by way too fast!

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