Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Indiana Trip

We had a wonderful time visiting Indiana!  We went out for ice cream and had a birthday party for Sandy while we were there. The party was so a blast!  The games were so fun and we had a ton of laughs!  The  BBQ was delicious!  Connor loved the visit and was a very good boy!  We cannot wait to go back.  Thank you for having us!! 

When did he get so big?

I was watching Connor play outside today and he seems so big!  Time is going by way too fast.  I felt like we just had his first birthday and he took his first step.  He is now running and pulling his toys all over like it is no big deal.  He is turning into his own person and I could not be happier. He is such a happy loving baby toddler! 

Wordless Wednesday

Thursday, July 25, 2013

2nd Haircut

Connor's 2nd haircut did not go as well as his first.  He was not a happy camper at all!  He screamed the entire time.  We tried a snack, the tablet, my phone him holding a comb, etc. and nothing helped ease him.  He decided to SCREAM the entire time.  After his haircut to calm him down, we got him some ice cream.  What a little stinker!  Let's hope the 3rd haircut goes better!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Water Table Fun

Connor got a water table for his 1st birthday and we have been using it a lot this summer.  He loves to  fill the cups up with water then dump it all over himself.  He loves to play in the water and it keeps him entertained for quite some time! 


Connor has been saying a lot of words lately.  We grabbed a sheet of paper to start to write them down and it is a lot more than we thought.  This little boy certainly knows what he wants!

Some of his favorites lately are:
- clock
- banana
- cracker
- book
- bottle
- go
- bye bye
- hi
-grill (grrrrrrrrrrr)
- bowl
- uh oh
- closed
- yogurt (gurt)
- mooooooooo

You can just see his brain working and he is absorbing everything like a sponge! He is getting so smart.  He is starting to make connections too - for example.  He will bring a shoe to me, try to put it on my foot and then walk to the front door and say "go".  What a little cutie!  I cannot believe how much he is learning and just taking everything in.

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July!  We went back to the quad cities to celebrate with all of the Wells'.  Connor was waving the American Flag like crazy!  It was so fun to have all of the Wells/Harder cousins together.  We did a lot of pool time while were there on the 4th and 5th.  Connor did not like the pool the first day, but on the 2nd day, he was very happy in the water.  We had great BBQ's all weekend and we rounded our trip out with of course...Whitey's! 

Happy Birthday, America!  We had fun celebrating!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Pool Time

Connor went swimming in Grandma and Grandpa's pool.  It was a little chilly, but once he was used to the water, we were able to get some good smiles!  We can't wait to go again!

Another birthday celebration

We celebrated my birthday this past weekend and had a blast!  We had a big  party on Friday night, hung out on Saturday and went to dinner on Sunday - it was a great birthday weekend!  The party on Friday was so much fun.  We had some very special visitors in town to help celebrate too.  Kelly was in from Paris and Jack and Sandy were in from Indiana.  We had a great dinner, played games, had lots of desserts and an overall wonderful time!  It was great to catch up with everyone and I could not have been more happy!  Saturday was more low key.  The weather was not great, but we picked up some lunch and just stayed around the house and I was able to spend some nice time with Connor and Barry.  Connor played outside in his pool and water table and I was so happy to be home with him.  On Sunday, Connor and I went shopping and then Barry and I went out to a nice dinner.  The weekend went by so fast, and before I knew it, Monday was here :(

I have a feeling this is going to be another great year!  Thank you to everyone who made my day so special!