Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Connor has been saying a lot of words lately.  We grabbed a sheet of paper to start to write them down and it is a lot more than we thought.  This little boy certainly knows what he wants!

Some of his favorites lately are:
- clock
- banana
- cracker
- book
- bottle
- go
- bye bye
- hi
-grill (grrrrrrrrrrr)
- bowl
- uh oh
- closed
- yogurt (gurt)
- mooooooooo

You can just see his brain working and he is absorbing everything like a sponge! He is getting so smart.  He is starting to make connections too - for example.  He will bring a shoe to me, try to put it on my foot and then walk to the front door and say "go".  What a little cutie!  I cannot believe how much he is learning and just taking everything in.

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