Monday, July 1, 2013

Another birthday celebration

We celebrated my birthday this past weekend and had a blast!  We had a big  party on Friday night, hung out on Saturday and went to dinner on Sunday - it was a great birthday weekend!  The party on Friday was so much fun.  We had some very special visitors in town to help celebrate too.  Kelly was in from Paris and Jack and Sandy were in from Indiana.  We had a great dinner, played games, had lots of desserts and an overall wonderful time!  It was great to catch up with everyone and I could not have been more happy!  Saturday was more low key.  The weather was not great, but we picked up some lunch and just stayed around the house and I was able to spend some nice time with Connor and Barry.  Connor played outside in his pool and water table and I was so happy to be home with him.  On Sunday, Connor and I went shopping and then Barry and I went out to a nice dinner.  The weekend went by so fast, and before I knew it, Monday was here :(

I have a feeling this is going to be another great year!  Thank you to everyone who made my day so special! 

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