Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The terrible 2's.....or 15 months?

I think that the term the terrible twos should be more like the terrible 15 months!  Connor learned how to throw temper tantrums!  FUN!!  He can be happy as can be one second, then the next, he is on the floor screaming and shoving toys away.  I do not know if this is due to teething (he could be getting his molars, but I have not seen anything popping though), not feeling well with his cold the had/has, cutting down to just 1 nap a day (his idea - no ours!), testing mom and dad or all of the above.  My guess is all of the above.  He definitely knows what he wants and if he does not get what he wants - watch out!  He has one heck of a scream on him.  This little guy is certainly going to test my patients every. single. day.  He is lucky that he is so darn cute! 

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