Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Under the Weather

Hello Hello!  Happy September!!!

It has been quite some time since I've updated the blog.  I feel like we have been so busy.  Busy with what you ask....well, nothing big comes to mind!  Just normal everyday things.  I hope to blog more this month!

We have all been under the weather the past couple of weeks.  Poor Connor had a horrible cold and still has a cough.  The poor guy was miserable for at least a week.  I did take him to the doctor and they confirmed that it was just a cold and to continue to give him lots of liquids, baby Tylenol and cuddles.  And that is exactly what we did.  He is on the rebound and getting back to his normal self.  It is good to see.  I sure do miss those cuddles though.  For 2 days he did not leave my lap :) 

Enjoy the day!

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