Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Apple Picking and the Pumpkin Patch

Our annual trip to pick apples and pumpkins was this past weekend.  We enjoyed the day at Jonamac Orchard.  Connor really got into picking the apples this year and ate his way through the whole day.  He loved the tractor ride to the field with all the pumpkins to and helped us pick out 2 gigantic pumpkins!  And don't forget the most amazing apple cider donuts!!

This is one of my favorite family traditions and I love that Connor got really into it this year!!

jumping, jumping, jumping

We all know that Connor LOVED jumping even when he was an infant.  He was always, always jumping and he is still jumping today!  He jumps off the fireplace ledge, the stairs, etc.  Any place he can jump, he does! He climbs and jumps ALL. THE. TIME!  I guess that is what little boys do! 

Pretend Play

Cookies anyone?  Connor has a great imagination and loves to pretend play all day long.  We are always either making cookies, cupcakes, grilling, cooking on the stove, shopping at the store, ringing up groceries, etc. He loves to pretend play all day long.  I love how he gets so into baking the cookies and he did not miss one single step. We even sat down at his little table to "eat" the cookies after they were done in the oven.  Adorable....just adorable!!

Santa's Village Azoosment Park

We took Connor to Santa's Village Azoosment Park and he LOVED it.  I didn't know how he was going to do with all of the rides and going on them by himself, but like always he totally surprised me and enjoyed it so much!  I was glad that Riley and Carson came along too.  The 3 of them had an absolute blast riding all the rides together.  What a fun fun fun day!  Connor's favorite were the boats and cars.  What an awesome place for kids to go to! We will definitely be back!

Reading, reading, reading

We love reading around this house.  Connor cannot get enough of his books and he still loves for us to read to him all the time.  He loves to read to himself too.  He has tons of books memorized and will often read them to us or read along with us.  This kid is just way too smart!  :)