Thursday, October 2, 2014

Summer Lovin

We loved our summer!  Connor had a great time playing outside.  He mastered his scooter, his power wheels, the slides at the park, the swing at the park - even the big boy swing!  He cut the grass with his lawn mower for hours on end and enjoyed countless popsicles.  It was so fun to watch him grow and try all sorts of new things this summer.

We took our first trip to California and he did great.  He was such a good boy the plane and we had a great time visiting Great Grandma, Great Grandpa and the Shay's.  We visited Sea World and the beach too.  Connor LOVED the waves and playing in the sand.  The weather was perfect and we cannot wait to go back.  More about our trip in a later blog post. 

Fall is here now and I am excited as it is my favorite season. But, that means that winter is around the corner and we are all not looking forward to that.  So, we will enjoy the fall and everything that it has to offer - pumpkins, leaves changing, apple picking, pumpkin picking, halloween, hooded sweatshirts, warm cozy blankets and snuggles and some hot chocolate. 

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