Monday, October 6, 2014

California Vacation

Connor took his first official vacation to California in August.  He did GREAT!  He did really good on the plane and adjusted to the 2 hour time change pretty well. 

We had a great trip.  We went to the beach and Connor loved the waves.  They were pretty strong so we had to hold onto him pretty tight so he didn't fall down.  He that it was hilarious!  He also loved playing in the sand too.  We brought lots of beach toys so he was pretty entertained.

We went to Sea World one day too and had a great time.  We saw the dolphin show and it was excellent.  We loved to see the dolphins jump and flip.  It was not too crowded so Connor was able to see all of the animals really well.  His favorite was the polar bear.  We watched them for quite some time and he wanted one to jump in the water and right before we left, he did and Connor was so happy!  He also loved watching the whales.  They would swim right by us in the viewing area. 

The best part of the trip was having Connor meet his Great Grandma Marilee and Great Grandpa Milt.  I swear he had an instant bond with them.  He loved them so much and was so good with them.  We brought some books and trucks that he played with in their courtyard.  Everyone enjoyed watching him and Connor was very well behaved. I cannot explain the feeling when Connor was talking and hanging out with his Great Grandparents - it was amazing and special. You cannot get 4 generations together too often.  It was worth the trip to see them and meet Connor.  I only wished that they lived closer.  But, we hope to visit again soon.

We stayed at my Aunts house and had a great time there. They also loved seeing Connor and Connor loved feeding their fish.  Thank you so much for letting us stay and we are so excited to come back again.

What a great vacation!!!!

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