Sunday, May 31, 2015

Merry Christmas

Christmas is here!  And Connor was so very very excited to see that Santa came to his house and left some presents.  He also left a note saying thank you for the milk and cookies and that he was a good boy this year and to keep up the good work.  Santa brought him a tool bench with some tools which he LOVES and also some play doh scissors (he was so excited for them) amongst other items.  He was not too into opening too many presents. He wanted to open a present and play with what was inside.  It was really fun to see his excitement this year. 

After we opened presents at our house, we went over to my parents house (Grandma and Grandpa's house) for the day.  We opened presents when we got there and then the Geary family started showing up.  The food was delicious and it was so good to see everyone. 

We had a great Christmas!!!  We are so very blessed with amazing family.

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