Friday, May 1, 2015

We are back!

Wow, has it been a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time since I have written a blog entry!  We have been busy, busy, busy!  I'll catch you up with a few blog posts for the rest of 2014 and early 2015. 

All in all, we survived winter (barely) and are looking forward to spring and summer.

Lets see...we left off around Apple picking next would be Halloween and all of the Halloween activities. We had a fun Halloween!  Connor was the cutest puppy dog I have ever seen and he LOVED trick or treating.  He was really into it this year.  He wanted to eat all the candy after each house.  It was very cold, so we did not go to too many houses.  Besides trick or treating, we did Boo at the Zoo, pumpkin carving, Goebert's with the neighbors and had a great time at the Wells Halloween party! 

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