Wednesday, September 30, 2015

2 Weeks Old

Aiden is 2 weeks old and growing so much!  We went back to the doctor's office for a weight check and he was up to 6 pounds 12 ounces.  He is still such a good baby. Very easy going still and is very calm. 

We are loving our time at home together and I am finally feeling a lot better.  I am able to get around a lot easier and I do not need as much help around the house this week :)  Connor is enjoying me being able to play with him more.  I missed being able to just get up and go.  I can start driving again soon so I can take Connor to preschool and soccer.

1 Week Old

Aiden is 1 week old!  We had his doctor's appointment the other day and he was 6 pounds.  We go back next week for a weight check since he was not back to his birth weight.  He did great at the doctor's office and did not cry at all.

Connor is continuing to be an amazing big brother.  He loves helping with Aiden by holding his bottle, getting diapers and holding his hand.  He is a huge help and he just loves him so much.  He is becoming quite the baby expert.  When Aiden cries, he tells me that it is time to feed him or change him.  haha. I know that they will always be there for each other.  It is so cute to watch them together.

I am going to take Aiden's pictures in the chair from Aunt Sandy and Uncle Jack just like I did when Connor was a baby.  It was so fun to watch him grow throughout the years and fill out the chair. 

Home Sweet Home

We were able to go home from the hospital on Saturday, September 12th.  I was ready to go home to be with my boys.  It was very hard to be away from Connor.  Here we go...a family of 4 under 1 roof.


I cannot stop taking pictures of Aiden.  Since I had a C-section, it was hard for me to get on the floor and play with Connor and take some cute pictures of Connor and Aiden.  But, that did not stop me from taking a ton of pictures!

Enjoy some more pictures of our little boy!


Aiden is so loved by many family members and friends.  We had a lot of visitors while we were in the hospital and loved every minute of them meeting Aiden. 

Aiden has been a great baby.  He is very calm and easy going (so far!). 

A HUGE thank you to everyone who visited us at the hospital and during our first few days at home. It was great to see you and we love that you were able to meet Aiden and visit our family. Aiden and our family are blessed with so much love from everyone.

It is amazing being a family of 4.  I cannot believe that I am a Mom to 2 amazing little boys!!  There will never be a dull moment in our house.  I'm ready for the adventures ahead.