Wednesday, September 30, 2015

1 Week Old

Aiden is 1 week old!  We had his doctor's appointment the other day and he was 6 pounds.  We go back next week for a weight check since he was not back to his birth weight.  He did great at the doctor's office and did not cry at all.

Connor is continuing to be an amazing big brother.  He loves helping with Aiden by holding his bottle, getting diapers and holding his hand.  He is a huge help and he just loves him so much.  He is becoming quite the baby expert.  When Aiden cries, he tells me that it is time to feed him or change him.  haha. I know that they will always be there for each other.  It is so cute to watch them together.

I am going to take Aiden's pictures in the chair from Aunt Sandy and Uncle Jack just like I did when Connor was a baby.  It was so fun to watch him grow throughout the years and fill out the chair. 

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